Cream Of Tomato Pumpkin Soup



A rich, elegant, powerfully expressed creamy soup! Common ingredients don’t detract from its beauty, in fact, they enhance it!

Makes 9 cups

24 oz. jar CENTO RUSTICA PASSATA (tomato sauce)

15 oz. can all natural pumpkin

1 c. fresh carrot juice, strained

1 c. V-8 Vegetable Juice

2 T. margarine

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

2 T. liquid smoke

2 t. garlic powder

2 t. onion powder

2 t. smoked paprika

2 t. dried basil, crushed

1 t. dried oregano, crushed

1 t. ground dried rosemary

1/4 t. celery seed

1/4 t. ground allspice

1/4 t. red cayenne pepper

1 t. salt

fresh black pepper grind to taste

zest of 1 lg. orange plus juice of 2 lg. oranges

8 fresh peeled garlic cloves, smashed and finely chopped

13.5 oz. can Goya Coconut Milk, at room temperature

fresh chopped basil and sage for garnish (optional)

In large saucepan, over medium heat, combine all ingredients, except coconut milk and chopped fresh herbs. Slowly bring to boil, stirring often to incorporate all ingredients evenly.

Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook about 20 minutes, stirring as needed so nothing sticks to bottom of pan.

Add coconut milk. Stir till all sauce is the same color, then simmer, uncovered, for about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper as desired.

Spoon into soup cups or bowls and garnish with chopped fresh basil and chopped fresh sage. Serve.

Notes: Be sure not to add coconut milk till the end, then be sure not to boil it.



Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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